Copyright © 2007 - 2025
Copyright © 2007 - 2025,
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Of course, inventory is "always turning over" and surely this page will go in and out of being accurate regarding what we have on hand, but it's better than nothing!
Please contact us to ensure avialability, and to ask about other cases that haven't yet been put up on this web page. We are, after all, better engine builders than web site developers!
SPRING 2021: We are COMPLETELY re-doing this page, so don't expect it to be all perfect or anything! There are some place-holders.
We will create a page to discuss this in more detail, but all the assembly-line engines had FOUR stamped in numbers:
- The "Case Match Number": These always are on the half pairs and on early three piece cases. Sometimes a timing cover (one of the several names for the "third piece") were replaced and so have no match number and on later engines, many times the timing cover just wasn't stamped with a match number. These are found on the upper perimeter boss bolt closest to the flywheel and on the third piece just adjacent to the upper seam where the two halves mate.
- The "Case Casting Number": These were stamped in at the foundary for cases that made it through the inspection process but before a type number was determined. These are found on the left half, on the second perimeter bolt boss forward from the pulley.
- The "Engine Type number": These are the "internal type number" (minus any "T #" entry) and are on the right case half, next to the case casting number, on the second perimeter bolt boss forward from the pulley.
- The Engine Serial Number, stamped on two piece case engines onto a stamping pad cast into the right case half below the generator mount point and on three piece case engines either (VERY early 3pc) across the generator stand to timing cover mounting seam, or just below this seam and only into the timing cover.
Of the above four numbers cited above, "Replacement cases", provided by Porsche and VW ONLY have a match number. They were intended for the in-field servicing of whatever engine that needed a new case which couldn't be sent back to the factory for overhaul. Further, for three-piece-case engines, the timing cover was, during the 912 era, routinely NOT provided a match number! And, the timing cover was available separately, so a great many timing covers have no match numbers, either!
We have two two-piece-case cases available right now, but haven't listed them here yet. Contact us for more information.
We have at least two three piece cases with removable oil pump at the moment not yet listed here. Please contact us for more information.
Most of our available cases are later 3 piece cases with built-in oil pumps and most of these are replacement cases, including the following seven:
Because some people are keeping logs of VIN and engine numbers and then purport to tell people what someone else has, out of respect and concern for a buyer's privacy, exact VIN and engine number data are not published here.